
No Debate-Free Art:

On the Unloading of Candice Breitz by German Authorities

The year 2024 could have been a match, at least for the small German federal state Saarland (close to the French border) and the great South-African-based artist Candice Breitz, who wanted to show us the abyss of sex labor in Cape Town, at an exhibition at the Modern Gallery in Saarbrücken (Saarland).

Breitz is of Jewish offspring, therefore she is showing us exactly, what some parts of our Western society are not even capable of only thinking of: A just solution between Israel and the state to be: Palestine. Therefore the the fama of hatred against Israel is imputed to Candice. There´s no utterance (public or sth else) that is hate speech towards the Israeli people. To make it very clear: Candice did never legitimize the massacre of the 7th October!

The authorities of the federal state of Saarland canceled Candices’ exhibition all of a sudden, allegedly for Realpolitik reasons. Our friend never called to arms against Jews or the state of Israel, she always seeks for peace between the different narratives. Art very often is called to stand its ground in postmodern nonsense-la la-land. All the works by our dear colleague Candice are somehow symbolic in that way.

The unloading of such an extraordinary artist as Candice Breitz, by ordre-du-mufti (Streichert-Clivot, social democratic ministress of Public Education and Art) is nothing less than an insult! Looks like the Saarland isn’t far more civilized than an oil slick! It feels like a coup d’état! The exclusion of the artist, in which Minister Streichert-Clivot (SPD) plays a decisive role as Chair of the Saarland Cultural Heritage Board, is an insult to this eminent artistic figure and makes Saarland look like a provincial region like Bochum (Peter Weiss Prize).

We protest this higher government measurement against a single artist!

We, the artists, cultural activists, and intellectuals of Saarland, the east of France, Rhenania-Palatinate, and Luxemburg insist on our civil rights. The freedom of art is at stake! This example of wanna-be-authorianism shall never pass! This is therefore – on the other hand – not a provincial farce, it concerns us all, whether we are from Völklingen, St Ingbert, Berlin (Breitz, like the majority of the first signatories, lives in Berlin) or Pinneberg, or from Israel or South Africa …

Saarbrücken (Germany), 2023-11-30

First signatories  (w/d/m)

  • Ulrich Ludat, artist
  • Konstantin Ames, author
  • Stefan Ripplinger, author and translator
  • Werner Becker, initiator of the Initiative Völklinger Hütte e. V.
  • Matthias Reichelt, cultural journalist & exhibition organizer
  • Josefine Geier, editor
  • Florian Neuner, author & editor
  • Prof. Dr Wolfram Malte Fues, cultural scientist & poet
  • Hansgert Lambers, photographer & publisher
  • Asiye Mujgan Güvenli, author & dissident
  • Sven Kalden, artist
  • Ingeborg Lockemann, artist
  • Tanya Ury, activist („Jüdische Stimme“ [Jewish Voice])
  • Martin Conrath, artist
  • David Krippendorff, artist
  • Manuela Lintl M.A., art historian
  • Zé do Rock, author
  • Lappiyul Park, artist & translator
  • Jürgen W. Lisken, communication designer
  • Lindsay Jane Munro, translator and editor
  • Michael Faulmüller, copywriter
  • Marion Kreißler, artist
  • Detlev Reichel, journalist
  • Mike Schlömer, independent filmmaker
  • Alexander Krohn, musician
  • Volker März, artist
  • Patric Bies, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation Saarland
  • Eva Reichel, PhD, social- & cultural anthropologist
  • Prof. Dr. Rudolf Herz, artist
  • Katja Richter, artist
  • Eran Schaerf, artist
  • Michael Quetting, Peter Imandt Society, former trade union secretary (ver.di)
  • Enno Kaufhold, PhD, Photohistorisist
  • Sigrún Ólafsdóttir, artist
  • Bernd Thewes, composer
  • Thomas Altpeter, author and painter
  • Ose Meerbach, MD, doctor
  • Jupp Feilen, cultural activist
  • Rotraut Bieg-Brentzel, PhD, retired teacher
  • Johanna Kandl, artist
  • Frank Lichtlein, chairman of bunt.saar
  • Renata Fernández Marinozzi, translator & artist
  • Gloria Zein, artist
  • Prof. Timm Ulrichs, artist
  • Klaus Theuerkauf, artist
  • Prof. Ursula Neugebauer, artist
  • Walter Fabian Schmid, poet & poetry-performer
  • Janneke Schönenbach, artist (bbm.de)
  • Olaf Arndt, author, performance artist, editor (bbm.de)
  • Hildtrud Ebert, PhD, art scholar
  • Helen Adkins, PhD, art historian
  • Omar Alejandro Silva González, wage labourer
  • Jürgen Jung, actor & voice artist
  • Christof Zwiener, artist & artistic director Berlin Britzenale
  • Horst A. Bruno Werder alias Brunopolik, writer
  • Wolfgang Müller, author, artist, musician
  • Àxel Sanjosé, poet & translator
  • Karin Wetterau, teacher & author
  • Peter Wetterau, teacher & unionist (GEW)
  • Prof. Dr Meinrad Maria Grewenig, former director general of UNESCO World Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte

60 first signatories (f/m/d); list closed on 12-03-2023 at 12:00 CET.

Signing is closed! The list was closed on August 15, 2024 CEST. In case of any questions, please, email against@ausbreitzen.eu.

Signatories (f/d/m)

  • Katharina Grosse, artist
  • Léonce Lupette, poet-translator
  • Angela Krause, pensioner
  • Elke Loebens
  • Thomas Kilpper, artist
  • Karin Magar, artist
  • Uwe Hemmerling
  • Evelyne Böckle
  • Pedro Fernández Solla
  • Uwe Warnke, author, trustee, publisher
  • Iris Hefets, psychoanalyst, „Jüdische Stimme“ [Jewish Voice]
  • Margit Hoffmann
  • Daniel Osorio, composer
  • Petra Gottschalk-Penth
  • Marita Vogel
  • Sigi Becker, author & singer
  • Birgit Müller
  • Jürgen Freunscht
  • Ruth Ayadhi
  • Pia Bausch-Jaaks
  • Werner Brunner, artist
  • Monique Rival, translator
  • Reinhild Dettmer-Finke, filmmaker
  • François Hemgesberg, artist
  • Hans-Hermann Bohrer, Attac – RG Lower Saar
  • Beate Maria Wörz, visual artist
  • Fabian Lemmes, historian
  • Alfred Ströher
  • Marianne Bohrer
  • Hauptmann, Christine
  • Sung Hyung Cho, filmmaker
  • Wolfgang Niegemann
  • Hans Ruge
  • Prof. Friederike Feldmann, artist
  • Uta Merkle
  • Andrea Diehl, medical doctor
  • Philipp John, curator
  • Michael Hauffen, artist, art critic
  • Bärbel Merkle
  • Alexander Koch, KOW
  • Raimar Stange
  • Schorsch Seitz
  • Martina Kaub, media scientist and cultural journalist
  • Hans-Georg Krämer
  • Christoph Vogel, Attorney-at-Law
  • Anja Röcke, sociologist
  • Monika Haberer
  • Reiner Leist
  • Ulrike Jung
  • Jenny Dirksen, art historian
  • Moschgan Ebrahimi
  • Ute Gortner, artist
  • Annerose Nill, cultural activist
  • Christian Hasucha, artist
  • Prof. Dr Annette Tietenberg
  • Barbara Caveng, artist
  • Rainer Komers, film-maker, poet
  • Georg Schaaf M.A., translator & cultural host
  • Gerfried Braune
  • Johannes Beringer, writer
  • Eva Lamberty
  • Norbert Lamberty, Dipl-Ing. (FH)
  • Peter Meiser
  • Barbara Straka, art historian, author
  • Ursula Mindermann, photographic artist
  • Wolfgang Bittner, writer
  • Astrid Hilt, sculptor
  • Jens Merkle
  • Maia Traine, translator
  • Rolf Strauß
  • Prof. Indra Kupferschmid, typographer
  • Dr Geraldine Spiekermann, art historian
  • Thomas Haumann
  • John Never, musician
  • Georg Weckwerth, curator
  • Betty Beier, artist
  • Mike Mathes, artist
  • Prof. Dr. Susanne Bennewitz
  • Aureliana Sorrento, journalist, radio producer
  • Olivier Schillen
  • Lothar Seruset, artist
  • Silvia Beck, artist
  • Dr Eckhart Gillen, art historian and curator
  • Gerhard Hanloser, pedagogue and publicist
  • Karl-Hans Schumacher, exhibition organizer
  • Katrin von Lehmann
  • Nina Petri, actress
  • Hermann Pfütze
  • Doris Koch
  • Summer Banks
  • Berthold Kliewer, musician
  • Niki Müller
  • Dr Bodo Eckert
  • Thomas Winke
  • Maloe
  • Heike Kugler
  • Gudrun Thiessen-Schneider
  • Alexandra Erikson
  • Rolf Rist
  • Marianne Stoll, artist
  • Wolfgang Wittmer
  • Said Baalbaki, artist
  • Costantino Ciervo
  • Prof. Dr Michael Klant, artist
  • Karsten Velbinger
  • Birgit Borggrebe, artist
  • Regine Hattwig, retired former teacher; artist, performer
  • Olaf Lenk
  • Annette Marx, artist
  • Wolfgang Petrick, painter
  • Mona Dia
  • Peter Kees
  • Hele
  • Susanne Bauermann
  • Jonas Heintz, project coordinator, political and environmental education
  • Ralf Thorn
  • Martin Forberg
  • Anita and Guenter Beckers, gallery owners
  • Vera Kattler, artist
  • gisa schleelein
  • Robert Gottwald
  • christian korte m.a., lawyer and social scientist
  • Hannah Becher
  • Laure Catugier
  • Claudia Kemmerer
  • Lutz Gillmann
  • Karin Trautmann-Exner
  • Siegfried Exner
  • Rado Carlo Poggi, producer, author & cultural policy advisor
  • Urška Čerče, pianist and journalist
  • Dr Jakob Borchardt
  • Andrea Schmidt
  • Kim Coleman
  • Dr Cary Langer-Donohoe, founder, business owner
  • Antje Majewski
  • Kevin Gruenberg, psychologist
  • Nizan Shaked
  • Andreas Engel
  • Ragnheiður Maren Hafstað
  • Natascha Pötz, visual artist
  • Stephanie Habel, art historian
  • Anna Lisa Wellhäuser
  • Julia Thurnau
  • Claire Shalayel
  • Veronica Conta
  • Rachel Balsham
  • Erika Kurebayashi
  • Ulrike Groos
  • Tina Schwartz
  • Karin Heil
  • Wolfgang Pietrzok
  • Christine Kriegerowski
  • Axel Ranisch
  • Andrea Molter-Nägle
  • Franz Huber

Further information (mainly in German): → see at https://ausbreitzen.de & https://yopad.eu/p/r.2a72d33f246f9e9a54d2a51651d51121

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